

Course information

Qualification title

NQF Level


Occupational Certificate: Sales Assistant (General) (Retail Sales Advisor)



Curriculum code





6 months

  1. Entry Level Requirements:

NQF Level 1 (General Education Certificate – Grade 9) with Mathematics and Communication

  1. Tuition Fee:


  1. Purpose of the qualification:

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a student to operate as a Retail Sales Advisor. A Retail Sales Advisor sells goods and services such as fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), clothing, furniture, and speciality merchandise in a retail or wholesale environment.

A qualified student will be able to:

  1. Attend to different types of customers and resolve queries.
  2. Provide customer service and build customer relationships.
  3. Sell products in a full-service retail and wholesale sales environment.
  1. Modules:

4.1 Knowledge Modules (11 Credits);

  1. Principles of attending to different types of customers and resolving customer queries impacting on sales, 4 credits
  2. Principles of service excellence and building customer relationships in retail and wholesale sales, 3 credits
  3. Concepts and principles of selling in a full-service retail and wholesale environment, 4 credits

4.2 Practical Skill Modules (11 Credits);

  1. Interact with different types of customers and present a positive image, 2 credits
  2. Handle customer queries and complaints, 2 credits
  3. Provide customer service and build customer relationships, 2 credits
  4. Sell products to customers using the sales cycle, 3 credits
  5. Use advanced selling techniques, 2 credits

4.3 Workplace Modules (32 Credits);

  1. Processes and procedures for attending to different types of customers, handling customer queries andcommunicating with customers, 10 credits
  2. Processes and procedures for providing customer service, 8 credits
  3. Processes and procedures for selling products to customers using the sales cycle and advanced sellingtechniques in a full-service wholesale or retail sales environment, 14 credits
  1. Career path:
  • Retail supervisor
  • Sales manager
  • Assistant store manager
  • Store manager
  • Marketing
  1. Rationale:

This qualification is designed to enhance the professionalism and productivity of those who are responsible for selling products in retail outlet. Retail Sales Advisor have full responsibility to sell products, help customers locate product in the store, building relationships with existing customers and bring in new customers. Retail outlets customers will enjoy higher levels of customer service, as they will be guided to buy products that meets their needs, to reduce unnecessary returns, that is returns which incur losses to the business whilst also promoting service excellence.

How to Pay

3 payment options are available

  1. Payment Plans: R9 999

7.1 – 1st Option

Full tuition fees upfront

Payable on 1st  March

With 5% discount

R9 499.05

7.2 – 2nd Option

Payment option in two instalments

1.     Before or on 31st March


R5 999.40

2.     Before or on 31st July


R3 999.60

7.3 – 3rd Option

5 monthly instalments under Laduma Academy’s Debit order system

Instalment amount

R1 999.80(Negotiable)

First Instalment

Payable by 1st March

Instalments for 4 remaining months

Payable by the 1st of every month until beginning of August

Banking details for payment

Please find the banking details to which the payments are to be made

  • Bank Name: Nedbank
  • Account Name: Laduma Training Academy (PTY)LTD
  • Account type: Current account
  • Account number: 1233296809
  • Branch code: 198765

Please use your id no: as reference while making payment.

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