STUDENT FINANCE AVAILABLE Duration: 3 daysPrice: R2499.00, upfront before the start of the course.The Syllabus covers-VocabularyStatus bar ModesKey board navigationRibbonClipboardFormatting cellsCells structuresInsertingDeletingCells sizeFill handleBuilding and equationMathematical operationsAutosumCharts Your name* Your email* Phone number* Please select a course* Estimating (Building Plan Training)Excel Training* Upload your documents ❌ ❌ Banking details for paymentPlease find the banking details to which the payments are to be made Bank Name: NedbankAccount Name: Laduma Training Academy (PTY)LTDAccount type: Current accountAccount number: 1233296809Branch code: 198765Please use your id no: as reference while making payment. Download Instructions here Download Application Form